Jose Dolz

Associate Professor
ETS Montreal
Laboratory for Image, vision and AI (LIVIA)
Montreal, CA

Email: jose dot dolz at etsmtl dot ca


I am an Associate Professor in the Department of Software and IT Engineering at the ETS Montreal. Prior to be appointed Professor, I was a post-doctoral fellow at the same institution. I obtained my B.Sc and M.Sc in the Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain, and his Ph.D. at the University of Lille 2, France, in 2016. I was recipient of a Marie-Curie FP7 Fellowship (2013-2016) to pursue my doctoral studies. My current research focuses on deep learning, medical imaging, optimization and learning strategies with limited supervision. Up to date, I have (co-)authored over 80 fully peer-reviewed papers, many of which published in the top venues in medical imaging (MICCAI/IPMI/MedIA/TMI/NeuroImage), computer vision (CVPR, ICCV) and machine learning (ICML, NeurIPS). Furthermore, I have given 5 tutorials on learning with limited supervision at MICCAI (2019-2022) and ICPR(2022), participated in the organization of three summer schools in Deep Learning for Medical Imaging and recognized several times as Outstanding Reviewer (MICCAI'20, ECCV'20, CVPR'21, CVPR'22, NeurIPS'22, ICCV'23).


Selected Publications [Google Scholar]

Robust Calibration of Large Vision-Language Adapters.
Balamurali Murugesan, Julio Silva-Rodriguez, Ismail Ben Ayed, Jose Dolz
ECCV 2024.


Class and Region-Adaptive Constraints for Network Calibration.
Balamurali Murugesan, Julio Silva-Rodriguez, Ismail Ben Ayed, Jose Dolz
MICCAI 2024, Early Accept.


A Closer Look at the Few-Shot Adaptation of Large Vision-Language Models.
Julio Silva-Rodriguez, Sina Hajimiri, Ismail Ben Ayed, Jose Dolz
CVPR 2024.


LP++: A Surprisingly Strong Linear Probe for Few-Shot CLIP.
Yunshi Huang, Fereshteh Shakeri, Jose Dolz, Malik Boudiaf, Houda Bahig, Ismail Ben Ayed
CVPR 2024.


Do We Really Need Dice? The Hidden Region-Size Biases of Segmentation Losses.
Bingyuan Liu, Jose Dolz, Adrian Galdran, Riadh Kobbi, Ismail Ben Ayed
MedIA 2024.


Anatomically-aware Uncertainty for Semi-supervised Image Segmentation.
Sukesh V Adiga, Jose Dolz, Hervé Lombaert
MedIA 2024.


Parametric Information Maximization for Generalized Category Discovery.
Florent Chiaroni,Jose Dolz, Ziko Imtiaz Masud, Amar Mitiche, Ismail Ben Ayed
ICCV 2023.


Trust your neighbours: Penalty-based constraints for model calibration.
Balamurali Murugesan, Sukesh Adiga V, Bingyuan Liu, Hervé Lombaert, Ismail Ben Ayed, Jose Dolz
MICCAI 2023.


Maximum Entropy on Erroneous Predictions (MEEP): Improving model calibration for medical image segmentation.
Agostina Larrazabal, Cesar Martinez,Jose Dolz*, Enzo Ferrante*
MICCAI 2023.


A Strong Baseline for Generalized Few-Shot Semantic Segmentation.
Sina Hajimiri, Malik Boudiaf, Ismail Ben Ayed, Jose Dolz
CVPR 2023.


Class Adaptive Network Calibration.
Bingyuan Liu, Jerome Rony, Adrian Galdran, Jose Dolz, Ismail Ben Ayed
CVPR 2023.


Harmonizing Flows: Unsupervised MR harmonization based on normalizing flows.
Farzad Beizaee, Christian Desrosiers, Gregory A Lodygensky, Jose Dolz
IPMI 2023, Oral Presentation.


Mixup-Privacy: A simple yet effective approach for privacy-preserving segmentation.
Bach Ngoc Kim, Jose Dolz, Pierre-Marc Jodoin, Christian Desrosiers
IPMI 2023, Oral Presentation.
Calibrating Segmentation Networks with Margin-based Label Smoothing.
Balamurali Murugesan, Bingyuan Liu, Adrian Galdran, Ismail Ben Ayed, Jose Dolz
MedIA 2023.


GeoLS: Geodesic Label Smoothing for Image Segmentation.
Sukesh V Adiga, Jose Dolz, Herve Lombaert
MIDL 2023, Oral Presentation.


Segmentation with mixed supervision: Confidence maximization helps knowledge distillation.
Bingyuan Liu, Christian Desrosiers, Ismail Ben Ayed, Jose Dolz
MedIA 2023.


Constrained unsupervised anomaly segmentation.
Julio Silva-Rodriguez, Valery Naranjo, Jose Dolz
MedIA 2022.


Source-Free Domain Adaptation for Image Segmentation
Mathilde Bateson, Hoel Kervadec, Jose Dolz, Hervé Lombaert, Ismail Ben Ayed
MedIA 2022.


Leveraging Labeling Representations in Uncertainty-based Semi-supervised Segmentation
Sukesh V Adiga, Jose Dolz, Hervé Lombaert
MICCAI 2022.


The Devil is in the Margin: Margin-based Label Smoothing for Network Calibration
Bingyuan Liu, Ismail Ben Ayed, Adrian Galdran, Jose Dolz
CVPR 2022.


Weakly supervised segmentation with cross-modality equivariant constraints
Gaurav Patel, Jose Dolz
MedIA 2022.


Few-Shot Segmentation Without Meta-Learning: A Good Transductive Inference Is All You Need?
Malik Boudiaf, Hoel Kervadec, Ziko Imtiaz Masud, Pablo Piantanida, Ismail Ben Ayed, Jose Dolz
CVPR 2021.


Looking at the whole picture: constrained unsupervised anomaly segmentation
Julio Silva Rodriguez, Valery Naranjo, Jose Dolz,
BMVC 2021.


Privacy Preserving for Medical Image Analysis via Non-Linear Deformation Proxy
Bach Ngoc Kim, Jose Dolz,, Christian Desrosiers, Pierre-Marc Jodoin
BMVC 2021.


Teach me to segment with mixed supervision: Confident students become masters.
Jose Dolz,Christian Desrosiers, Ismail Ben Ayed
IPMI 2021.


Orthogonal Ensemble Networks for Biomedical Image Segmentation.
Agostina Larrazabal, Cesar Martin, Jose Dolz, Enzo Ferrante
MICCAI 2021, Oral Presentation.


Deep Interpretable Classification and Weakly-Supervised Segmentation of Histology Images via Max-Min Uncertainty.
Soufiane Belharbi, Jerome Rony, Jose Dolz, Ismail Ben Ayed, Luke McCaffrey, Eric Granger
TMI 2021.


Constrained Domain Adaptation for Image Segmentation.
Mathilde Bateson, Jose Dolz,, Hoel Kervadec, Herve Lombaert, Ismail Ben Ayed
TMI 2021.


Privacy-Net: An Adversarial Approach for Identity-Obfuscated Segmentation of Medical Images.
Bach Ngoc Kim, Jose Dolz, Pierre-Marc Jodoin, Christian Desrosiers
TMI 2021.


Beyond pixel-wise supervision: semantic segmentation with higher-order shape descriptors.
Hoel Kervadec, Houda Bahig, Laurent Letourneau-Guillon, Jose Dolz, Ismail Ben Ayed
MIDL 2021, Oral Presentation (Best Paper Award).


On the Texture Bias for Few-Shot CNN Segmentation.
Reza Azad, Abdur Fayjie, Claude Kauffman, Ismail Ben Ayed, Marco Pedersoli, Jose Dolz
WACV 2021.


Information Maximization for Few-Shot Learning.
Malik Boudiaf, Ziko Imtiaz Masud, Jérôme Rony, Jose Dolz, Pablo Piantanida, Ismail Ben Ayed
NeurIPS 2020.


Laplacian Regularized Few-Shot Learning.
Imtiaz Ziko, Jose Dolz, Erig Granger, Ismail Ben Ayed
ICML 2020.


Source-Relaxed Domain Adaptation for Image Segmentation.
Mathilde Bateson, Hoel Kervadec, Jose Dolz, Hervé Lombaert, Ismail Ben Ayed
MICCAI 2020.


Cost-Sensitive Regularization for Diabetic Retinopathy Grading from Eye Fundus Images .
Adrian Galdran, Jose Dolz,, Hadi Chakor, Hervé Lombaert, Ismail Ben Ayed
MICCAI 2020.


Bounding boxes for weakly supervised segmentation: Global constraints get close to full supervision.
Hoel Kervadec, Jose Dolz, Shanshan Wang, Eric Granger, Ismail Ben Ayed
MIDL 2020.


Multi-scale self-guided attention for medical image segmentation.
Ashish Sinha, Jose Dolz


Curriculum semi-supervised segmentation.
Hoel Kervadec, Jose Dolz, Eric Granger, Ismail Ben Ayed
MICCAI 2019.


Constrained domain adaptation for segmentation.
Mathilde Bateson, Jose Dolz, Hoel Kervadec, Herve Lombaert, Ismail Ben Ayed
MICCAI 2019.


Boundary loss for highly unbalanced segmentation.
Hoel Kervadec, Jihene Bouchtiba, Christian Desrosiers, Eric Granger, Jose Dolz, Ismail Ben Ayed
MIDL 2019, Oral Presentation (Best Paper Runner-up).


Constrained-CNN losses for weakly supervised segmentation.
Hoel Kervadec, Jose Dolz, Meng Tang, Eric Granger, Yuri Boykov, Ismail Ben Ayed
MedIA 2019.


HyperDenseNet: a hyper-densely connected CNN for multi-modal semantic segmentation.
Jose Dolz, Karthik Gopinath, Jing Yuan, Herve Lombaert, Christian Desrosiers, Ismail Ben Ayed
TMI 2018.


Size-constraint loss for weakly supervised CNN segmentation.
Hoel Kervadec, Jose Dolz, Meng Tang, Eric Granger, Yuri Boykov, Ismail Ben Ayed
MIDL 2018, Oral Presentation.


Isointense Infant Brain Segmentation with a Hyper-dense Connected Convolutional Neural Network.
Jose Dolz, Ismail Ben Ayed, Jing Yuan, Christian Desrosiers
ISBI 2018, Oral Presentation.


Unbiased Shape Compactness for Segmentation.
Jose Dolz, Ismail Ben Ayed, Christian Desrosiers
MICCAI 2017.


3D fully convolutional networks for subcortical segmentation in MRI: A large-scale study.
Jose Dolz, Christian Desrosiers, Ismail Ben Ayed
NeuroImage 2017.


DOPE: Distributed Optimization for Pairwise Energies.
Jose Dolz, Ismail Ben Ayed, Christian Desrosiers
CVPR 2017.


Selected Awards

  • Best Paper Award: Towards foundation models and few-shot parameter-efficient fine-tuning for volumetric organ segmentation. 1st International Workshop on Foundation Models for General Medical AI
  • Outstanding Reviewer, ICCV 2023
  • Outstanding Reviewer, NeurIPS 2022
  • Outstanding Reviewer, CVPR 2022
  • Outstanding Reviewer, CVPR 2021
  • Best Paper Award - Winner: Beyond pixel-wise supervision: semantic segmentation with higher-order shape descriptors. MIDL 2021.
  • Outstanding Reviewer, ECCV 2020
  • Outstanding Reviewer, MICCAI 2020
  • Best Paper Runner-up: Boundary loss for highly unbalanced segmentation. MIDL 2019.
  • Academic Services

  • Area-Chair, ECCV: 2024
  • Area-Chair, MICCAI: 2021-2023
  • Area-Chair, MIDL: 2022-2024
  • Area-Chair, ICPR: 2022
  • Reviewer (journals):
  • - Medical Image Analysis (MedIA'19-Present)
    - IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging (TMI'18-Present)
    - International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV'19-Present)
  • Reviewer (conferences):
  • -Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI'18-20)
    -Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR'19-Present)
    -International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV'19,'21,'23)
    -European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV'20,'22)
    -Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS'21-Present)
    -AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI'22)
    -Information Processing in Medical Imaging (IPMI'22)
    -International Conference on Learning Representations (ICLR'18,'19)

    Students (Current)

    Students (Former)


    2023WinterMTI881:Deep Learning for Computer Vision
    2022FallMTI881:Deep Learning for Computer Vision
    2022WinterLOG635:Intelligent Systems and Algorithms
    2021FallMTI881:Deep Learning for Computer Vision
    2021WinterLOG635:Intelligent Systems and Algorithms
    2020FallGTI771:Advanced Machine learning
    2020WinterLOG635:Intelligent Systems and Algorithms
    2019FallGTI770:Machine Learning

    © Jose Dolz | Last updated: March 2023